El Salvador Top Destinations - Best Places to visit in El Salvador

Tourism in El Salvador

El Salvador Top Destinations - Best Places to visit in El Salvador

El Salvador officially the Republic of El Salvador, is the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. El Salvador's capital and largest city is San Salvador.

Best Places to visit in El Salvador

The Tourism is one of the biggest resources for economic development of El Salvador. To the great natural attractions that the country possesses, with beautiful beaches, a mild tropical climate and lush landscapes, it joins an important archaeological and ecological heritage, with colonial and pre-Columbian vestiges, and national reserves.

El Salvador also has an exceptional potential in the field of Cultural Tourism, with over 2,000 known Archaeological Sites, samples of Maya and Olmec cultures, mainly. They stand out for their importance the archaeological remains of the Pyramids of San Andrés, Joya de Cerén, Cihuatán, Quelepa, Tazumal and Tehuacán. 

Biodiversity and Endangered Species in El Salvador

There are eight species of sea turtles in the world; six of them nest on the coasts of Central America, and four make their home on the Salvadoran coast: the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), the Green Sea turtle (Chelonia agasizzii) and the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea). Of these four species, the most common is the Olive Ridley turtle, followed by the brown (black) turtle. The other two species, Hawksbill and Leatherback, are much more difficult to find as they are critically endangered, while the Olive Ridley and brown (black) turtle are in danger of extinction.

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